CurrClick is one of my favorite sites for inexpensive home-schooling literature. They have a nice set available for FREE this week.
Presidents' Day Holiday HelperFrom Living Books Curriculum
Presidents' Day Holiday Helper is a short collections of high-quality literature, artwork and quotations which are easy to use during busy holidays; each one is designed to provide your children with uplifting and inspiring ideas and images. Read aloud and enjoy the stories. Encourage the practice of copywork and enjoy the study of great art of both Lincoln and Washington.
Picture Study:Portrait of George WashingtonGeorge Washington Crossing the DelawareAbraham Lincoln Reading to His Son TadAbe ReadingAbe the Rail Splitter
Copywork:Famous Quotes of George WashingtonFamous Quotes of Abraham Lincoln
Stories:The Cherry TreeAbe Lincoln Gets His Chance
Current Fabric as of 06/02/2017
9 years ago